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Farage: I could deliver the government a ‘simple’ trade deal

Nigel Farage appears alongside Grace Campbell and Alastair Campbell on Good Morning Britain (Image: GMB/ITV) - Credit: Archant

Nigel Farage has claimed that he could deliver a trade deal for the UK… but because the government will not talk to him he’s not prepared to write it.

Farage was touring the television studios again when made the claims on the Good Morning Britain sofa alongside The New European’s Alastair Campbell and his daughter Grace.

The claim was prompted by Campbell asking why the prominent Leaver hadn’t produced his own plan, given he had so much to say about where the government was going wrong.

‘Why don’t you write the treaty that she can’t write?’ asked Campbell.

‘I’d be very happy to,’ Farage claimed but said that the government weren’t keen to talk to him about it.

‘You can write it and Piers will talk to you and we can promote it,’ humoured Campbell.

By this point the full bullish nature of Farage had been unleashed.

‘I would love a simple free trade, Alastair, friendship and free trade with our neighbours,’ Farage responded.

Alastair’s daughter Grace – a comedian and young anti-Brexit campaigner – however, was unconvinced. ‘But it’s not simple is it?’ she asked.

‘It’s very simple actually, provided we get to a situation where we make our own laws in our own parliament and have our own courts.’

‘That’s just words, Nigel,’ an irate Alastair Campbell responded. ‘Write down how you do it! How do you get a treaty – how?’

With Nigel unwilling to explain how he could deliver a plan any better than May, the conversation then turned to the Irish border issue.

Campbell explained: ‘If [Theresa May] goes down the Canada route then – and you’re saying the Ireland issue is not a problem – it is a real problem.’

Again, however, a clueless Farage appeared to miss the point.

He repeatedly asked: ‘Why? Why is it a problem? Why?’

Grace and Alastair Campbell were appearing on Good Morning Britain to reveal a new comedy sketch starring Richard Wilson that promotes a People’s Vote.

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