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‘Remainers shouldn’t vote Labour!’ – Farage offers advice to those wanting to stop Brexit

Nigel Farage speaking on his LBC radio show (Photogeraph: LBC) - Credit: Archant

A ‘floating voter’ took the unusual step of calling Nigel Farage’s radio show and asking for advice on which party to vote for to stop Brexit.

The Southbank caller said had become disillusioned with the two main parties because of the pro-Brexit stances from the two leaders.

He said he had become unsure about the Labour Party after Jeremy Corbyn claimed that it was not possible to stop Brexit, while the shadow Brexit secretary continued to offer a different viewpoint from an anti-Brexit perspective.

‘What do I do?’ asked the caller – taking the unusual approach of asking outspoken Brexiteer Farage for some advice.

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An animated Farage responded: ‘You could argue when you’re voting for the Conservative party, but this is the two at the top of the Labour Party.

‘They got away with it in 2017. They got Leavers in South Wales and the North and Midlands to still vote for them, and Remainers in London to vote for them, but you can’t do it again surely?’

As the caller explains he wasn’t a typical Labour voter but a shy Liberal Democrat voter.

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The former UKIP leader however encouraged him to go out and support the party saying ‘you should be proud of who you are!’

He explained: ‘Actually Mark, if you think there should be an exit from Brexit the Lib Dems are the right party to vote for, because they’re not hiding it!’

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‘If you’re a firm remainer that believes the referendum that should be overturned – that’s not a position I agree with or respect – but if that’s how you feel then it’s the Lib Dems for you!’

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