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Nigel Farage: Once Brexit is done you won’t be seen again

Brexit Party Nigel Farage on ITV. Photograph: ITV. - Credit: Archant

Nigel Farage has once again claimed he will disappear when Brexit is done – weeks after suggesting he could leave for America.

Appearing on ITV, answering questions from news anchor Ranvir Singh, he was asked whether he was in politics just for the ego trip.

The Brexit Party vehemently denied this was the case, explaining: “When the Conservative government say they were willing to deliver on the will of the people I was more than happy to walk away from politics.

“I’ve never been in this for a career, it’s certainly got nothing to do with ego.

“I got involved with this because I did not think establishment politicians had the guts to stand up and fight for us breaking free from the European Union.

That’s been my political ambition in life.”

And ending his thoughts, he once again reiterated that he would do a vanishing act once Brexit had been delivered.

He said: “And you know what? Once it’s been achieved properly you won’t see me again. It’s a promise.”

Farage has consistently hinted he wants to move to America once Brexit is delivered, another Brexiteer prepared to leave the mess they have created behind.

Speaking in September he said: “The States, now that is the big game.

“Living here is not easy, living in the States is a lot more easy. In America you can live a normal life.”

It follows the likes of Brexiteers Nigel Lawson, Jim Ratcliffe and James Dyson who have all left the UK after backing the departure from the EU.

Lord Lawson eventually said he would return to the UK after issues gaining French residency.

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