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‘This is worse than staying in!’ admits Nigel Farage

Alastair Campbell and Nigel Farage in a previous debate on Brexit (Image: RTE) - Credit: Archant

Nigel Farage has admitted that Theresa May’s plan is worse than remaining in the European Union – but he still would not back calls to give the country a final say.

The outspoken Brexiteer was debating the Chequer’s plan with The New European’s Alastair Campbell and discussing the possiblity of a People’s Vote.

Campbell told Farage: ‘You said this deal is worse than staying in,’ which Farage did not dispute.

‘If that is the choice,’ he continued, ‘would you support staying in?’

Farage dismissed the suggestion saying ‘no, but I want to get rid of this deal.’

Despite May’s deal offering a solution to Brexit that very few in the country were happy with, Farage would not support a People’s Vote either.

Farage did, however, have an idea for a potential question on the ballot.

He said: ‘If we had a second referendum, I hope we won’t, I would like the question to be ‘do you wish to be an independent country, yes or no?”

Campbell disagreed with the suggestion – echoing Boris Johnson who had said that we were already making our own laws until this Brexit plan was proposed.

He added: ‘That she [Theresa May] had let the cat out of the bag by saying there were three possible outcomes – her deal, no deal, or no Brexit.’

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