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‘I hold you responsible!’ – Caller blames Farage for ‘unleashing terrible forces’

Nigel Farage discusses Theresa May's latest Brexit plan on LBC Radio. (Photograph: Global) - Credit: Archant

A caller has told Nigel Farage that he is personally responsible for the loss of a ‘common sense’ approach – the very thing he claimed to stand for under UKIP.

Katherine told Nigel Farage that she believes her right to live and work in European Union countries will be taken away from her as a result of Brexit and that she had been ‘left in the dark’ and ‘left up the proverbial creek without any paddle’.

She blamed the Brexiteer for the loss of freedom of movement and unleashing ‘terrible forces’.

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‘To work in the EU as a European citizen, I now see this right being taken away from me. There is a great number of us who have now been left in the dark.

‘A certain responsibility for that lies with you Mr Farage.’

Katherine said that if a no deal Brexit does happen she, and many others like her, will become illegal residents.

She asked: ‘What has happened to the value of free movement in Europe?’

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‘We don’t want it!’ Farage insisted.

‘So you’re saying people who move to other countries who looked for opportunity are the causes of racism?’ she asked.

Farage did not deny Katherine’s claim.

Katherine continued: ‘When people start looking for faults, and they start criticising their reality and looking to blame others, that unleashes terrible forces and I personally hold you responsible for that.’

Farage said that he had urged the prime minister to secure existing EU citizens’ rights, and said that people did not need freedom of movement to work in the UK.

He added: ‘There is no question that Mrs Merkel’s career will end on a very low note because of what she did on the issue of immigration.’

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