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Farage sets out his demands for a Tory/Brexit Party pact

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage speaks during the party's 'We Are Ready' event. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Nigel Farage has suggested that the Brexit Party could stand down from fighting certain seats where Conservative MPs refuse to back any Brexit deal.

Despite the Brexit Party leader pledging to take on Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party in an election if the UK does not leave the EU before October 31st, there are signs his stance is softening as it becomes clear his organisation could deny Johnson of a majority.

Farage has told the Sunday Times he will stop candidates from challenging the 28 Tory Brexiteers who opposed Theresa May’s deal, and will not fight any Tory MP who oppose any deals.

But in the Sunday Telegraph he has said he is asking the Tories to allow him free reign in Labour-held seats in the North, Midlands and South Wales to win seats off Jeremy Corbyn.

The former UKIP leader says he wants to see the Brexit Party not face Tory opposition in seats like Wansbeck, currently held by Labour chairman Ian Lavery, and West Bromwich East, that of deputy leader Tom Watson.

In return he would get candidates to step down in Leave-voting constituencies where it would split the vote and prevent the Tories a majority.

He added that he would also advocate the public backs Tory Brexiteers if Boris Johnson supports a no-deal Brexit in the snap election.

Separately it had been reported Arron Banks, the Leave.EU donor, could provide Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party with funding if it agrees to a pact with Farage.

Farage wrote: “If the general election which this country so badly needs is to result in the pro-Brexit outcome which the majority of voters crave, Mr Johnson must agree an electoral pact with the Brexit Party.

“Johnson should cast his mind back to the European elections in May, in which his party came fifth, and ask himself: does he want the Tories to find themselves in a similarly disastrous position when the results of the next general election come in, or does he want to sign a non-aggression pact with me and return to Downing Street?

“We are not playing political games. I have spent more than 25 years fighting for Brexit. It is now within our gra

To promtoe his point the Brexit Party has taken out adverts in a number of Sunday newspapers with “an election offer for Boris”.

The adverts say “Let’s have a clean-break Brexit, then we will help you secure a big Brexit majority and destroy Corbyn’s Labour.

“Together we would be unstoppable.”

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