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Vote Leave mastermind Dominic Cummings is not a true Brexiteer, says Nigel Farage

Dominic Cummings in Downing Street. Photograph: Jonathan Brady/PA. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Nigel Farage has said that Dominic Cummings – the man credited with sparking the Brexit result – cannot be trusted as he is not a ‘true believer’ in the UK leaving the EU.

Farage claimed that Cummings secretly wants the UK to be “bound to the EU” – despite orchestrating the Vote Leave campaign which won the 2016 result.

He is now in government operating as Boris Johnson’s Brexit chief.

Writing for the Daily Telegraph, he said: “Lack of trust in the Conservatives is now a problem; many of us will only believe in a clean-break Brexit when we see it.

“Britain’s best chance of achieving independence now comes from the Brexit Party.

“If the UK does not leave on October 31, the Conservatives will be annihilated in any subsequent general election.”

He also claimed in the Times that he thinks Farage is a “cretin”.

Farage said: “He thinks we’re all cretins and members of the lower order.

“He has never liked me. He can’t stand the ERG [European Research Group of Brexiteer MPs]. I can’t see him coming to any accommodation with anyone.

“He has huge personal enmity with the true believers in Brexit.”

The Brexit Party leader said he will not form an alliance with the Tories while Dominic Cummings is Johnson’s special adviser on leaving the bloc.

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