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Barnier warns that ‘every EU country now has a Farage’

Nigel Farage appears on LBC Radio. Photograph: LBC Radio. - Credit: Archant

Nigel Farage has branded himself as the ‘devil for the European Union’ after Michel Barnier warned MEPs that there is now a figure like the former UKIP leader spinning ‘populist deceit’ in every EU country.

Grinning during his LBC radio show Farage replayed a clip of the European chief Brexit negotiator Barnier’s warning.

Barnier told the centre-right European People’s Party in Helsinki that the EU needs to remain ‘united’ to win against ‘populists and extremists’ like Farage.

He said: ‘United together we will win this election. By fighting together, we will gain the trust of our followers. This fight will be tougher than any before. We have to fight back against populists and extremists.’

MORE: Nigel, mate, you’ve lost. Get over it

Barnier acknowledged that it would be ‘tougher than before’ to fight ‘against those who want to demolish Europe with their fear, their populist deceit.’

Farage proclaimed: ‘Trump may well be the devil for CNN but I think I am fully justified in saying I am the devil for the European Union.’

He gleefully mocked the message telling listeners: ‘Get the kids in, don’t let them play outside!’

MORE: Now Farage claims the British civil service is ‘the enemy within’

‘They’re terrified, well they’re not terrified by me… they’re not terrified about Brexit any more. They’re concerned about it but they’ve got much bigger fish to fry.’

He added: ‘What Barnier knows on the right, on the centre, and on the left there is going to be a huge influx of new MEPs into that Parliament that will completely reject the model that they should be governed by unelected old men like him.’

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