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‘Remainers will vote for us’ – Farage’s optimistic claim about the Brexit Party

Nigel Farage appears on Sky News. Photograph: Sky. - Credit: Archant

Nigel Farage thinks his new party can win over a majority of opinion in the country, despite opinion polls suggesting the country now backs Remain.

Questioned by Adam Boulton on Sky News’ All Out Politics, Farage disputed the suggestion from the presenter that he would not be able to win over the opinion of more than 50% in the country because they did not back Brexit.

Incredibly the leader believed that he could win the support of Remainers, despite the fact his party represents an entirely different view.

‘I’m not sure that’s true. There’s a lot of Remainers out there that voted one way, who say, ‘look we voted one way, but we believe in democracy’ and that’s what I’m fighting this campaign on.

‘This result needs to be honoured.’

Opinion polls suggest that, while Farage’s party is in the lead, his party represents less than a quarter of the public opinion. At the same time the polling suggests that if a fresh referendum was held now, Remain would represent a majority.

Farage said UKIP ‘has gone down the wrong path. ‘It’s not just Tommy Robinson, it is the entourage around him. A distinctly thuggish unpleasant element to it, and it just doesn’t work.’

Asked whether just because he believed it doesn’t work, he actually disagreed with the racist views UKIP has, he said it was ‘wrong’ and it had ‘gone in the wrong direction’.

But Boulton pointed out as UKIP leader Farage had unveiled posters like the ‘breaking point’ billboard, which was launched just days before an MP was killed.

A dismissive Farage said the ‘truth is the truth.’

He continued: ‘I did talk about issues like immigration, of course I did, but I did it leading a party that did not have any associations with extremists.’

Finally, asked about his proposals for Brexit, he referred to his plans for departing on World Trade Organisation rules, something the presenter branded ‘nonsensical’.

Boulton pointed out that many would say ‘no one voted to be poorer’, before Farage shouted back the word ‘democracy’.

Without denying that people would be poorer as a result of Brexit, the Brexiteer told the presenter that ‘freedom is a remarkable thing’.

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