Nigel Farage says he is 99.9% certain that Brexit will happen on January 31st, but has revealed the one person that has left him with a small amount of doubt.
Speaking on Julia Hartley-Brewer’s radio programme he said: 2″019 was the year when people actually spoke, we are going to leave it’s 99.9% certain we are going to leave on the 31st.”
But he claimed that he had his doubts about how the European Parliament would vote.
He continued: “The 0.1% doubt is because what no one is talking about is European Parliament has to approve.
“The final vote on this will not be in the Commons, it will be the European Parliament under the EU Treaty.”
And he referenced the parliament’s Brexit coordinator Guy Verhofstadt as someone who had made “noises” that could lead to such them voting against.
“I think they will approve it but Mr Verhofstadt before Christmas made one or two threatening noises.
“I’ve still got grave reservations about the document itself but since then during the election campaign and the Conservative manifesto, Boris Johnson has said two things very, very clearly.”
Verhofstadt has previously said that he wants to see EU citizens living in the UK automatically granted the full rights they have today.
He tweeted: “Everyone presumes the European parliament will give automatically its consent to the Withdrawal Agreement. But we first need to solve the outstanding problems with the citizens’ rights. Citizens can never become the victims of Brexit.”
The Belgian MEP has also suggested in return that the EU should consider granting associate EU citizenship as an olive branch to those who did not want to leave in the first place.