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‘We need a deal!’ – Farage u-turns on claims about no-deal Brexit

Nigel Farage urges the EU to avoid a 'no deal' Brexit. Photograph: EU Parliament. - Credit: Archant

Nigel Farage appears to be maneuvering away from the possibility of a no-deal Brexit – urging the EU to renegotiate with the UK.

Speaking in the European Parliament he warned that there was now a ‘strong chance’ of the UK leaving on World Trade Organisation rules with a ‘no deal’.

However he told Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, that we now need a deal and that we need to renegotiate.

Farage said: ‘Mr Barnier, you say this is the only possible deal, but this deal isn’t going to be accepted.

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‘So perhaps we all need to grow up and recognise there is a strong chance of the UK leaving on March 29th with a WTO ‘no deal’.’

‘We need a negotiated deal to deal with sensible border issues.’

‘I wonder Mr Barnier, are you prepared for that? Because this morning you appear to assume the UK parliament is going to ratify this – it isn’t.’

It appears to be a u-turn on Farage’s previous comments in which he claimed no-deal was ‘no problem’.

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He told a Leave Means Leave rally in October: ‘We will explain a free trade deal is possible, if that’s what the gangsters in Brussels want.

‘If they don’t, that is fine, if they don’t we will leave with no deal. No deal, no problem.’

Farage also used his speech to grovel to Barnier – paying tribute to him for securing a deal that benefited the EU.

He said: ‘I wish you were on our side because it’s game, set and match to you.

‘You probably can’t believe your luck that you have come up against a British prime minister who met every single demand all while, at the same time, trying to deceive the British public.’

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