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Farage: Theresa May’s ‘secret’ plan ‘doesn’t give any of the possible benefits of Brexit’

Nigel Farage discusses Theresa May's latest Brexit plan on LBC Radio. (Photograph: Global) - Credit: Archant

Brexiteers are screaming ‘betrayal’ at the news that Theresa May has reportedly secured concession from the EU to keep the whole of the UK in a customs union as part of the Brexit negotiations.

The ‘secret’ deal would mean there would be no need for Northern Ireland to be treated differently to the rest of the UK, according to the Sunday Times.

Speaking on LBC Radio, Nigel Farage said May’s deal ‘doesn’t give us any of the possible benefits of Brexit.’

He explained: ‘She’s already said she wants the transition period to go on a further year until the end of 2021. We are due a general election which has to happen in the spring of 2022, and at the time of next general election we are going to be in a position where we’ve not taken back control of our borders, taken control of our fisheries, we’re not able to make our own trade deals, and financially it won’t be a £39 billion we give the EU it will be something closer to £60 billion.’

He warned that Theresa May’s deal may only help Jeremy Corbyn’s chances to gain the keys to 10 Downing Street at the next election.

Farage previously said he could deliver an ‘simple’ Brexit plan – but wasn’t prepared to reveal the details because Number 10 wouldn’t talk to him.

Fellow Brexiteer and former Conservative politician David Mellor said the plan sounds like ‘BINO’ which stands for ‘Brexit in Name Only’ and such move would ultimately mean the UK would not leave the European Union on 31 March 2019.

‘The whole idea for Brexit was that it would give us the freedom of the seas… I think staying in a customs union smacks of BINO.’

Farage also used his platform to criticise Tony Blair’s latest remarks in the Observer pushing for a People’s Vote.

The former Labour prime minister wrote: ‘I promise them as someone who used to win elections: no one will lose their seat on this basis. But vote through a botched negotiation that you don’t believe in and the backlash will last a political lifetime.’

Farage responded to his comments by saying a People’s Vote would lead to a ‘backlash’ from the people but ‘it won’t be on the side you think.’

He said: ‘Mr Blair I don’t think you have any idea of what the political backlash will be, that could last a very long time, if you force the people of this country to vote again because you think they’re a bunch of cretins that didn’t know what they were doing.’

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