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‘Repulsive’ Farage compares Brexit transition period to Vichy France

Nigel Farage has been attacked after claiming a Brexit transition period under the EU’s proposed terms would create “Vichy Britain” – a reference to the collaborationist regime in France during Nazi occupation.

The former Ukip leader tweeted: “Mrs May’s transition period will be a worse form of EU membership during which the bully boys of Brussels can do what they want to us. We be in Vichy Britain.”

Under the Vichy puppet government of Nazi Germany, two million French soldiers were kept prisoner and forced to carry out forced labour, and French police were ordered to round up “undesirables” including Jews and political opponents.

Under plans released by the European Commission, during a transition period Brussels would be able to restrict the UK’s access to the single market without going through the European Court of Justice legal process.

Mrs May’s transition period will be a worse form of EU membership during which the bully boys of Brussels can do what they want to us. We be in Vichy Britain.

— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) February 7, 2018

Anti-Brexit former cabinet minister and New European columnist Lord Adonis said: “By describing this country as ‘Vichy Britain’ Nigel Farage is engaging in wish fulfilment of the most repulsive kind.

“It is emblematic of the increasingly hysterical tone that Brexiteers are deploying in order to distract from the error they are imposing on our country.

“In one regard, however, Farage is correct. A prolonged period as ‘rule takers’ – bound by the laws of the EU but unable to influence those laws – is a sub-optimal outcome for the British people.

“That is why we need a final say on Mrs May’s deal – so that we can choose to lead Europe rather than being led by Europe.”

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