The internet has gone a little bit wild for an understated moment of high drama involving the prime minister and a disposable coffee cup.
This is the most captivating 15 seconds of political drama I've seen in years pic.twitter.com/7uY6XjY1E2
— Alan White (@aljwhite) October 1, 2019
Perhaps it’s because we’re tragically sick of Brexit or perhaps it’s because party political conferences are deadly dull, but a quiet spat between two aides has had political Twitter riveted.
In footage captured by Channel 4, an aide is seen handing Boris Johnson a coffee – but it is swiftly removed by a second aide who lays down the law.
“No disposable coffee cups,” she says, in quiet but firm reproach to her colleague.
The Tories have committed to removing all non-recyclable coffee cups by 2023.
Who is the coffee cup snatcher? We should probably know because she's running the U.K. right now.
— Antonia Frances (@antoniafrances) October 1, 2019
Clearly this aide has decided that regardless of how many groping accusations and unlawful prorogations Johnson throws her way, here is an area where she can exert iron control.
Buzzfeed UK news editor Alan White immediately picked up on it as “the most captivating 15 seconds of political drama I’ve seen in years”.
The undertone of spad rivalry and petty image management has also brought about comparisons to the career maneuvrings in hit political comedy The Thick of It.
“Those two assistants clearly hate each other to the core,” said Twitter user Pete Aldridge.
Rob Oxley got Geoffrey Clifton-Brown to lamp a delegate to distract from the coffee cup incident pic.twitter.com/3lqFax6NVH
— General Boles (@GeneralBoles) October 1, 2019
Guardian columnist Gaby Hinsliff said: “It’s the belief that being caught with a non-eco coffee cup is somehow the height of PM’s problems right now that gets you.”
Twitter user ‘General Boles’ had his own theory, related to earlier reports of a ‘misunderstanding’ between MP Geoffrey Clifton-Brown and door staff.
“Rob Oxley got Geoffrey Clifton-Brown to lamp a delegate to distract from the coffee cup incident,” alleged Boles.
WATCH: Tory Brexiteer MP involved in ‘misunderstanding’ at party conferenceAnd there were many, many other takes as the newly ridiculous fodder entered the meme mill.
'No disposable cups' pic.twitter.com/BHeqSDcC9C
— Matt (@bongbrummie) October 1, 2019
Finest of all, comedy Twitter account HappyToast gave us the gif we all deserve by replacing the cup with a bright pink giant inflatable penis.
“Hopefully Esther McVey will approve of this as I put my 3D skills to use and did it with it on a computer,” observed HappyToast.
"No disposable cups." pic.twitter.com/iVJYUucG9q
— richut (@twitchut) October 1, 2019
#accostacoffee pic.twitter.com/o8PLsB2Bbc
— christhebarker (@christhebarker) October 1, 2019
A disposable cup as metaphor for a premiership https://t.co/jZlxHDHget
— David Allen Green (@davidallengreen) October 1, 2019
Sad to report the Boris coffee cup is a mood pic.twitter.com/7K4ywCXadH
— Vincent Wood (@wood_vincent) October 1, 2019
I had a couple of minutes free and thought it would be fun to add a bit of piano. pic.twitter.com/4hrHtLFypM
— Nick Harvey (@mrnickharvey) October 1, 2019
"Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into!" pic.twitter.com/hCEjW2J1wG
— The Poke (@ThePoke) October 1, 2019
At least the barista put the right name on that cup of coffee for Boris Johnson. pic.twitter.com/c3aHcNZaup
— The Poke (@ThePoke) October 1, 2019
Hopefully Esther McVey will approve of this as I put my 3d skills to use and did it with it on a computer
— HappyToast ? (@IamHappyToast) October 1, 2019