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Delia Smith and Deborah Meaden deliver their speeches at the People’s Vote march

Deborah Meaden and Delia Smith at the People's Vote march (Photograph: PA) - Credit: Archant

Delia Smith tells the crowds that ‘the only way we can avoid this total madness and win back our future has to be a People’s Vote.’

The TV chef and Norwich City shareholder has spoken out against Brexit and called on MPs to give the country a final say.

Delia said that Brexit could be summed up in two words – ‘unmitigated chaos’ and said that the decision to leave the EU had ‘dire consequences’.

MORE: Farage: Small crowd at ‘Save Brexit’ rally represented ‘millions’

Speaking in front of crowds as they made their way to Parliament she said the people were now more informed on what Brexit meant.

‘The NHS loses doctors and nurses, large companies move out, factories close, jobs are lost… and what are we doing? We’re building lorry parks and stockpiling drugs.’

‘My message to MPs is let the people you serve have their say now. Because they actually know what they would be voting for.

‘Come on MPs you are the ones that represent us, on behalf of us, where are you? Let’s be having you!’

READER GALLERY: The best placards from the People’s Vote march

Speakers from across the political divide at the People’s Vote march (Photograph: Timothy Mead) – Credit: Archant

Deborah Meaden, star of Dragons’ Den and a businesswoman, represented the industry in speaking out against Brexit.

She said that Brexit had already caused ‘businesses to pause’ meaning ‘fewer jobs, less tax revenue, meaning less money to spend on our public services.’

Addressing hundreds of thousands in the crowds she said: ‘If someone came to me with a proposal that said I will make you and your family poorer, I will hurt businesses, jobs and communities across the UK, and I will actively cut-off ties with our largest trading partner. And if we don’t get a deal we’ll have to stockpile food and medicine. I’m guessing you know what I’ll say… I’m out!’

MORE: ‘You’ve just made the case for a People’s Vote’ – Farage left stumped by Lord Adonis

Deborah Meaden and Delia Smith were joined by crossparty support from Labour, Lib Dem, Green and Tory MPs as well as speakers from Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland too.

• These videos were provided by ImplausibleBlog – like and follow for lifestyle, food, fashion and travel content.

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