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‘Leave means Leave’ – anti-Brexit campaigners offer Boris help to move out of his ‘lad pad’

Anti-Brexit campaigners outside Boris Johnson's ministerial residence. Photograph: OFOC/Twitter - Credit: Archant

Activists have been protesting outside Boris Johnson’ official ministerial mansion – which he still lives in more than two weeks after he resigned as foreign secretary.

The young campaigners from anti-Brexit youth groups For our Future’s Sake (FFS) and Our Future Our Choice (OFOC) were out in force with a removal van and dressed in overalls outside the gates of the residence on Thursday.

The van was covered with a ‘Leave Means Leave Removals Ltd’ logo, and protesters held cardboard boxes to offer help with collecting Johnson’s belongings.

However despite ringing the bell numerous times to speak to Johnson, he did not materialise.

The former foreign secretary was replaced by Jeremy Hunt in a cabinet reshuffle following a spate of resignations when the prime minister unveiled her Chequers plan.

Richard Brooks, from the anti-Brexit organisation FFS said: ‘In typical Boris Johnson fashion, he wants to have his cake and eat it.

‘We at FFS know how important leaving is to Boris so we’re here today to help him move out. We’ve got the van, the boxes, the bubble wrap and though we’re not quite the professional photographers he’s used to, we’ve got decent camera phones.’

A Foreign Office spokesman said: ‘Former ministers are expected to leave official residences as quickly as practicable at the end of their tenure, taking into account their personal circumstances and family requirements; we can confirm there is no additional cost to taxpayers involved.’

Anti-Brexit campaigners outside Boris Johnson’s ministerial residence. Photograph: OFOC/Twitter – Credit: Archant

Anti-Brexit campaigners outside Boris Johnson’s ministerial residence. Photograph: OFOC/Twitter – Credit: Archant

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