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One year on and opinions are shifting amid chaos of Brexit

A fortnight on from her catastrophically ill-judged election, Theresa May is still trying to repair the damage inflicted on her Brexit agenda by the British voters.

And yet it seems that democracy might yet have another surprise for the Prime Minister: polls are now showing a clear and consistent swing towards a majority in favour of staying in the EU altogether.

As the poll of polls in our latest issue shows, opinion has fluctuated in the year since June 23, 2016. But recent months have seen a marked advance in the anti-Brexit cause.

With negotiations already under way in Brussels, not only is the PM hamstrung by newly-empowered ministerial colleagues/rivals and an invigorated opposition, she must now also contend with public opinion turning sharply towards wanting to cancel the whole operation.

It comes at the end of a week in which the PM has tried desperately – and in vain – to regain the initiative. A threadbare Queen’s Speech shows the depth of the crisis, with election pledges on grammar schools, winter fuel payments, foxhunting and more, jettisoned.

All the focus was on Brexit – well, that and the Queen’s remarkable ‘EU flag’ headgear in which she chose to deliver the speech.

Perhaps we should add ‘displeased monarch’ to the long list of limiting factors the PM must now contend with.

Have a good weekend.

Jasper Copping, Deputy Editor

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