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Poll finds just 5% of new voters have heard from their MP about Brexit

Our Future Our Choice campaigners head to the House of Commons. Photograph: Our Future Our Choice. - Credit: Archant

A new survey has found that a majority of voters who were too young to vote in the EU referendum – but have since gained the right to vote – have yet to hear from their MP on Brexit.

The BMG survey indicated that just 5% of new voters have had contact with their MPs about Brexit, something that Our Future Our Choice (OFOC) campaigners representing young people against Brexit have branded ‘a shameful state of affairs for democracy, and a dereliction of duty on behalf of elected officials.’

The poll is the first survey carried out on those who were too young to vote in 2016, It showed staggering support for a People’s Vote with 74% of those new voters backing a second referendum, and 84% backing remaining in the EU when ‘don’t knows’ are excluded.

The polling – conducted for the anti-Brexit group – found that young people are more united on Brexit than with any other issue.

OFOC are taking action over the coming weeks starting with the largest-ever mass youth lobby of parliament to address MPs from all parties taking place ahead of the next key Brexit vote in the House of Commons.

The group will also embarking on a tour of 100 universities over 100 days – travelling by car, train, battlebus and bicycle to meet those young people that have been ignored by politicians.

OFOC co-founder Lara Spirit said: ‘It’s shameful that our politicians haven’t made the effort to contact young people, communicate what Brexit means, or take note of the views of those whose futures are being decided.

‘Those who were too young to vote in 2016 care deeply about Brexit, as this polling shows. They’re more united on this than any other issue, they feel how unfair it is that they won’t get a vote on it, and they’re six times more likely to be angry than happy if we leave without a People’s Vote.

‘I say to the politicians: we are your electorate. We will be your electorate. We will not forgive those who vote against our futures and against us having a say. That’s why we’re going to 100 universities and further education in 100 days: because if politicians won’t act in our interests, we will.’

• To find out more about OFOC’s 100×100 campaign visit×100

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