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Young anti-Brexit campaigners take over Commons to get their voices heard

Our Future Our Choice campaigners head to the House of Commons. Photograph: Our Future Our Choice. - Credit: Archant

More than 150 young anti-Brexit campaigners from across the UK took over the lobby of the House of Commons to get their voices heard.

The young people, aged between 16 and 28, travelled from as far away as Northern Ireland Scotland to demand meetings with their MP to communicate the message that they do not want Brexit.

MORE: This response to Theresa May’s letter has gone viralThe lobby represented the latest intervention by the Our Future Our Voice (OFOC) movement in the debate about the government’s botched Brexit deal.

Over the last fortnight the young activists have launched a new battlebus to travel the country pressurising MPs to vote against Theresa May’s plan, organised a college walk out in parts of the UK, and ‘destroyed’ copies of Theresa May’s Brexit deal outside the EU summit in Brussels.

The Common’s lobby takeover is their latest intervention – with the group warning more are to come in the run up to the meaningful vote.

Our Future Our Choice campaigners head to the House of Commons. Photograph: Our Future Our Choice. – Credit: Archant

OFOC co-president Will Dry said: ‘Across the political spectrum, from Caroline Lucas to Sammy Wilson, Britain’s elected representatives engaged in conversation with young people and learned just how much we don’t support this bad Brexit deal.

‘We were so pleased by the huge turnout, the receptiveness of MPs to our message, and the clear takeaway that momentum for a People’s Vote is gaining strength in the House of Commons.’

MORE: Nigel Farage booed and jeered at British Curry Awards‘This status quo of a false choice between a bad deal and no deal cannot stand. There’s a better deal available – the deal we already have as EU members. Young people recognise the danger that Brexit poses to our national interest, and that’s why OFOC is campaigning relentlessly for a People’s Vote.’

Our Future Our Choice campaigners head to the House of Commons. Photograph: Our Future Our Choice. – Credit: Archant

Our Future Our Choice campaigners head to the House of Commons. Photograph: Our Future Our Choice. – Credit: Archant

Our Future Our Choice campaigners head to the House of Commons. Photograph: Our Future Our Choice. – Credit: Archant

Our Future Our Choice campaigners head to the House of Commons. Photograph: Our Future Our Choice. – Credit: Archant

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