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UKIP search for replacement for Dick Braine – despite reports party is close to insolvency

Former UKIP leader Richard Braine poses for a photograph under his umbrella outside the Houses of Parliament in London. (Photograph: ISABEL INFANTES/AFP via Getty Images) - Credit: AFP via Getty Images

UKIP are looking for a new leader to replace Dick Braine after he quits hours before the general election.

The party is searching for its eight leader in four years, with disgraced former Tory MP Neil Hamilton expected to run alongside Ben Walker – the current interim chairman of the party.

Also throwing her hat into the ring is Pat Mountain, the party’s interim leader, who was responsible for a car crash interview on Sky News ahead of the party’s manifesto launch.

In the cringe worthy interview she was unable to name a single seat her party was contending, could not substantiate her claims about immigration, and accidentally called her party racist.

The race to become leader comes as former leader Gerard Batten says UKIP is on the brink of insolvency.

In a tweet he said: “Very sad news. UKIP is now on the brink of insolvency. This has happened because of the NEC driving away members & revenue.”

Batten stepped down as leader in June 2019 following the European elections but later decided he wanted to stand again in the subsequent contest.

The NEC [National Executive Committee] ruled against this, leading to Richard Braine becoming the new leader, who claimed the BBC and Daily Mail were conspiring with the EU against the party.

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