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Comedian schools Boris Johnson on Northern Ireland for showing “monumental ignorance”

Patrick Kielty and Boris Johnson (PA/Teh3vil/Wikimedia) - Credit: Archant

After publishing his ‘plan for a better Brexit’ in the Telegraph comedian Patrick Kielty felt incensed to give the politician a lesson on the Irish border.

Kielty, who lost his father in a shooting during the troubles in 1988, explained why Johnson’s ‘monumental ignorance’ risk tearing apart the United Kingdom.

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The television personality, from County Down in Northern Ireland, messaged the former foreign secretary in a series of late night tweets.

‘Dear Boris Johnson, there is no better Brexit when it comes to the Good Friday Agreement and Northern Ireland. As you still seem bamboozled by all this Paddywackery here’s a few pointers for your next stab in the dark.’

He proceeded to list twenty points simplifying the issue in the hope that Johnson would finally understand what the Brexiteers’ are unleashing by ignoring the border issue.

He explained: ‘Your Brexit lies have opened a Pandora’s box for Northern Ireland. It’s one of the reasons why the majority of people in NI voted to remain in the EU (almost as if they knew more about the fragile equilibrium of their politics than you’.

‘Barely mentioned before Brexit, a border poll is now inevitable thanks to your monumental ignorance.

‘When that poll is eventually held the Nationalists who were once content being part of a Northern Ireland within the UK and EU will vote to leave the UK to feel as Irish and European as they did before Brexit.

‘The poll will be much closer thanks to your Brexit folly and could easily be lost by Unionists, breaking up the UK.’

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He ended his Twitter thread by making a barbed reference to the Leave campaigner’s naked ambition, and throwing in a Danny Dyer reference to former prime minister David Cameron.

‘If there’s any justice all this will come to pass when you’re prime minister so you can finally swim in the constitutional sewage you’ve created (though we all know you’ll be in Nice with your trotters up).’

Johnson isn’t the only politician to ignore the Irish border issue – the European Research Group politician Nadine Dorries recently claimed that the problem ‘doesn’t exist’.

At the time of writing Boris had chosen not to respond to Kielty.

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