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People are filling toilet roll shelves with copies of the Daily Mail

A bunch of Daily Mail newspapers were left in the toilet roll section of a supermarket. Photograph: Twitter - Credit: TT

Britain might have ran out of many things, but it hasn’t lost its sense of humour.

With supermarkets unable to cope with the demand for toilet rolls during the coronavirus pandemics it has been left for bosses to come up with alternatives measures to fill the shelves.

While some stores have left the space empty, others have filled them with Easter eggs to avoid filling the warehouses with their supplies of chocolate.

Some shoppers, on the other hand, have their own ideas for what to do.

Twitter users have reported a growing number of people dumping the Daily Mail on the toilet roll shelves, causing a smile with those who are not a fan of the right-wing newspaper.

Other newspapers appearing on the same shelves include other pro-Brexit publications such as the Sun and Telegraph.

MORE: Mitch Benn – Why empty shelves are our bog-standard response to panic

It goes without saying, however, that while newspaper has been used as an alternative in the past, water companies ask people to avoid flushing it down the toilet…

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