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People need to register to vote in the general election by May 22

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Don’t miss your chance to vote on election day, June 8: This is everything you need to know about registering to vote in GE2017

Who needs to register?

If you have never voted, have moved constituency, or have turned 18 recently then you will need to register if you have not done so already.

When can I register?

Assuming you are eligible, you can register any time but, be aware, there will be a deadline.

The deadline to register for the last general election was 12 working days before people went to the polls. Assuming we follow the same timetable this time around, this would be May 22.

You can even get yourself on the register if you are 16 or 17 but you will have to have turned 18 before June 8 to actually be eligible to vote.

MORE: General Election 2017: What to expect and when

How do I check if I am already registered?

If you are not sure whether or not you are registered, you should check with your local electoral registration office. You can find the local authority to get in contact with here:

How can I register if I need to?

By visiting and filling out the relevant forms. Alternatively, you can register by post, download the forms here:

MORE: This is how you can vote to stop the Tories

What if I live abroad?

You can register as an overseas voter for up to 15 years after you left the country, if you are a British citizen and you have been registered to vote in the UK within the last 15 years (or if you were too young to register when you left).

If you are serving in the Armed Forces abroad there is a special form you can fill out here:

Likewise if you are a Crown servant and British Council employee working abroad:

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