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Public’s view on People’s Vote hardens as more demand a say on Boris Johnson’s Brexit proposals

People's Vote campaigners in Westminster. Photograph: Kirsty O'Connor/PA. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

A new YouGov poll has found that the public want to have a final say on Boris Johnson’s Brexit proposals rather than leaving the politicians to make a decision.

If the prime minister tries to leave the EU without a deal there is a majority for a People’s Vote of more than two to one.

A total of 52% would back a referendum compared to 23% that want to leave the decision with parliament, and 25% were “don’t knows”.

The figure is not just driven by people who backed Remain in 2016 but by 41% of Leavers too.

Even if Boris Johnson does get EU approval for his proposed Brexit plan, there is still overwhelming support for a second referendum.

In this instance 47% would support a People’s Vote compared to 24% leaving it with the politicians. A further 24% did not know.

A general election is the less popular option. Just 35% back a general election compared to 40% for a referendum and 25% not knowing.

Labour voters back a referendum over a general election by a margin of three-to-one (65% to 23%).

Peter Kellner, the former president of YouGov and one of Britain’s leading pollsters, said the polling “shows the public mood is hardening in favour of a People’s Vote to decide whether Brexit should go ahead.”

MORE: Everything you need to know about the People’s Vote march on October 19

He said: “For the past year, most poll questions relating to Brexit have produced modest leads for giving the final say to voters in a referendum. Now, following the Supreme Court judgement, and as the prime minister prepared to put his revised proposals to Brussels, there are big leads for the public rather than MPs settling the issue.

“If Boris Johnson does secure a deal, voters divide 47% to 29% in favour of a People’s Vote. If Johnson returns empty-handed, the margin widens to more than two-to-one, with 52% wanting a referendum and just 23% saying MPs should take the final decision.

“Not surprisingly, Remain voters are keen on a referendum; but so are large number of Leave voters. They are evenly divided on what to do if there is a deal (38 per cent parliament, 33% referendum). But by a clear 41% to 27% margin, Leave voters want a referendum, rather than MPs, to settle the matter if there is no deal.

“As far as the general public is concerned, democracy is no longer served by simply enacting the result of the 2016 referendum. Today there is a far stronger sentiment that the best way forward is to ask the people again, once it is clear what specific form of Brexit is on offer – deal or no deal.”

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