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Author urges readers not to let Dominic Cummings’ praise cloud judgement of book

Dominic Cummings top aide to Prime Minister Boris Johnson arrives at the back of Downing Street following the introduction of measures to bring England out of lockdown. Photograph: Yui Mok/PA Wire. - Credit: PA

An author of a book on superforecasting has urged readers not to let Dominic Cummings’ praise of the book cloud their judgement.

Seemingly fearing a dent in sales as a result of support from Boris Johnson’s most senior adviser, Philip Tetlock has urged people not to form opinions on the book before reading it.

Tetlock, who wrote the book alongside Dan Gardner, examines how history can make accurate predictions for the future.

The Canadian-American political scientist took to Twitter after news that Cummings was urging all special advisers to read his book and then discuss it at an away day.

Tetlock took to Twitter to say that his book, Superforecasting: the Art and Science of Prediction, should not be ‘rejected… because a man they reject likes it.’

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He said: ‘The core thesis of the book is to be wary of simple heuristics & stale status hierarchies of expertise’.

Some followers tweeted in agreement of the author’s claims.

MORE: I took Dominic Cummings’ advice and read about superforecasters

‘Works both ways, though. Need to know what the enemy is thinking,’ said Andy Ecelson.

‘I read this book and dislike Cummings. I thought the book was fantastic. I’ve created an account recently on the good judgement open site to test out what I’ve learned!’ wrote another.

‘Not only can you not choose your family, you can’t choose your fans,’ tweeted Andrew Abraham.

But Archie Maddan simply replied: ‘Nah sorry, we’re sick of ‘experts’ here in Britain.’

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