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Piers Morgan says he’s received death threats over his attempts to hold government to account

Piers Morgan criticises Dominic Raab's failure to appear on Good Morning Britain. Photograph: ITV. - Credit: Archant

Good Morning Britain presenter Piers Morgan has revealed he has received death threats over his attempts the hold the powerful to account during the coronavirus outbreak.

The ITV presenter and former Daily Mirror editor has been a vocal critic of the government’s handling of the coronavirus, and has been known for giving ministers a hard time when they appear on the programme.

In recent weeks he has been subjected to complaints to Ofcom over his interviews with health ministers, and a petition to have him fired, which has now been signed by 50,000 people.

Now Morgan has revealed he has also received death threats too.

But the presenter has insisted it will only make him work ‘harder’ to hold the government to account.

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He wrote: Memo to trolls: the more you try to silence me with foul-mouthed abuse, death threats and petitions for me to be fired, the louder and harder I will challenge the Govt over its handling of this crisis.

‘Lives depend on it.’

In an on-air tirade against the complainants earlier this month the presenter blamed Brexiteers for writing to Ofcom about his presenting style.

He said: ‘All the abuse I’m getting is from Brexiteers as if somehow betraying the cause. Well, A) I didn’t even want Brexit in the first place and B) I did actually campaign for you to get your Brexit when people tried to stop it from happening.’

He added: ‘There is a really concerted effort by the pro-Brexit group to howl me into silence as if somehow it has anything to do with it.’

MORE: Piers Morgan confronts Brexiteer over ‘Billy big balls talk’ with £10k bet

MORE: Like him or loathe him, Piers Morgan has been right about coronavirus

Over the weekend Morgan claimed that the government is still refusing to put any ministes on the programme.

He wrote: ‘This will be the 20th day of its boycott of our show during the worst national crisis since WW2. All because we asked them tough questions. We’ll keep asking them.’

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