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Piers Morgan alleges Boris Johnson ‘banned’ ministers from appearing on GMB

Piers Morgan called the ban on ministers appearing on GMB 'pathetic and cowardly' on Twitter. Photo: ITV - Credit: Archant

Piers Morgan has claimed that the government has banned ministers from ITV’s Good Morning Britain (GMB).

The GMB presenter claimed on Twitter that Downing Street had barred ministers from appearing on the breakfast show.

In a firey post directed at Boris Johnson and Downing Street’s Twitter accounts, Morgan wrote: ‘The UK govt has banned any ministers from appearing on @GMB after a series of them made complete fools of themselves in the face of basic and important questions.

‘This is a pathetic and cowardly response to THEIR shameful incompetence.’

MORE: Piers Morgan slams Brexiteers for reporting his interviews to Ofcom.

Morgan, who took time off air following a coronavirus scare which turned out to be a flu, had been referred to broadcasting watchdog Ofcom for alleged bullying of ministers on his show. He has since been cleared.

Earlier, he blasted Johnson’s assertion that his government’s coronavirus strategy had been a ‘success’ calling it ‘scandalous’ and ‘utter bullshit’.

He also said Johnson’s handling had of the outbreak made US president Donald Trump look ‘logical’.

In a Daily Mail column, Morgan wrote: ‘We were scandalously slow and complacent in our response to its outbreak. We were scandalously under-prepared for it, particularly when it came to stock-piling Personal Protection Equipment for health workers and securing enough coronavirus tests as soon as the severity of the crisis became clear.

‘We were scandalously late to order a lockdown. We were scandalously complicit in sending infected elderly hospital patients back to care homes without testing them. And we’ve been scandalously inconsistent in performing policy U-turn after policy U-turn.’

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