Boris Johnson’s latest coronavirus announcement has left so many people confused over how to comply with new measures that it’s led to a new Twitter trend.
Prime minister Johnson announced a lifting of coronavirus lockdown restrictions during a live press conference from Downing Street on Friday.
Alongside plans to reopen workplaces, Britons can also begin to take non-essential journeys using public transport and expect to visit stadiums and arenas in the autumn.
However, despite the prime minister’s best intentions to encourage back to work, it seems his words have only led to more confusion – so much so that it’s warranted its own Twitter trend beginning with the words ‘So Boris’.
Among the concerns was why Johnson was planning to open up large venues in October at the same time a second, more deadly, surge of the virus is expected.
LGBTQ campaigner Jack Duncan wrote: ‘So Boris Johnson’s response to scientists warning a second #COVID19 wave starting in autumn that’s even deadlier than the first, is to re-open stadiums to 1000s of fans? May your respective gods help us all.’
@Gpoptosis wondered whether Johnson had looked at the finer details of his own plan: ‘So Boris is saying that in England they’ll be obliged to wear masks in shops from the 24th of July but from the 1st of August they’ll no longer have to wear masks on public transport?’
Erik Geddes asked why the prime minister could grant local councils with sweeping powers to enforce a lockdown but not Holyrood.
‘So Boris Johnson is granting local authorities in England the powers to stop people travelling in and out of their defined areas… how is that squared with not recognising Scotland can exercise the same right?’
Others have just become accustomed to Downing Street’s mixed messages. ‘So Boris says to go back to the office from August but the chief scientific advisor says there’s absolutely no reason to be changing the advice?? Boris just doing as he pleases as per usual,’ Sophie noted.
A user going by the name of Jim Royle pointed out that the prime minister had confused himself over which areas of the country had been locked down.
‘Boris Johnson: ‘We’ve done a good lockdown in Sheffield’ while talking about Leicester.’
Daisy wrote: ‘So Boris says it will ‘all be over by Christmas’ then pledges £3 billion to the NHS to cope with a 2nd wave, make your f****** mind up’.
And Andrew Lewis pointed out the old lines are often the best for politicians in the middle of a disaster.
‘So Boris Johnson is going for the ‘it’ll be over by Christmas’ mentality – now where have I heard that one before?’