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Poll finds Brexit-backing Wales would vote to rejoin EU

A poll has revealed that Wales would vote to rejoin the EU. - Credit: PA

Almost half of Welsh voters would rejoin the EU, a new poll has found. 

Despite a Brexit deal being reached at the eleventh hour, 44% of Welsh voters told ITV News they would vote yes if EU membership was put to another referendum.

By comparison, 38% would reject rejoining and almost a fifth – 19% – said they don’t know which way they’d go.

Back in 2016, the country’s vote was split 52.5% Leave – with 47.5% backing Remain. 

Fast forward four-and-a-half years and some voters have changed their tune, with 12% of Leave voters polled now saying they would rejoin. 

Conversely, 9% of Remain voters would now go in the opposite direction.

Whatever a person’s tendency, the poll reveals it to be closely tethered to party loyalty.

Of the Conservative voters at the general election in  2019, four-fifths (80%) said they would vote against. 

The pro-rejoining stance is popular amongst Labour and Plaid Cymru supporters, of whom 69 and 74% respectively would vote in favour.

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