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Princess Anne wins over fans after snubbing Donald Trump

Princess Anne was chastised by the Queen after she snubbed president Donald Trump by refusing to greet him. Photo: Twitter - Credit: Archant

In what appears to be a snub against the US president, Princess Anne has been applauded for apparently refusing to greet Donald Trump.


Trump was meeting members of the royal family during part of his visit to the UK ahead of a Nato conference.

In the video, the Queen appears to be introducing Trump and the first lady to Prince Charles and Camilla.

Princess Anne, who can be seen on the left-side of the screen in the video, is refusing to join the members of the royal family meeting Trump.

The Queen then appears to look over to Princess Anne a number of times, with a glare suggesting she ought to come over, and Princess Anne replies by shrugging her shoulders and apparently saying “What?”, which Trump sees.


Anne won many fans over with this move, with Guardian writer Hannah Jane Parkinson tweeting: “The Queen chastising Princess Anne for not greeting Trump and Anne not giving a single shit is the mood we all need to take into today.”

Princess Anne was also seen standing in a circle of Nato leaders who were caught on video apparently mocking Donald Trump.

She is seen stood with Boris Johnson alongside French president Emmanuel Macron, Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte and Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau.

Anne appears to join in the gossip as Johnson asks Macron: “Is that why you were late?”

Trudeau replies: “He was late because he takes a 40 minute press conference off the top – oh yeah, yeah, yeah.”

Macron then replies although is comments are inaudible, before Trudeau says: “you just watched his team’s jaws drop to the floor.”

It has not been confirmed the world leaders were talking about Trump.

The PA reports that the Queen did a double take when she saw her daughter, the Princess Royal, waiting at the end of a line-up at Buckingham Palace’s Nato reception.

“After shaking hands and chatting with US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania, the monarch turned her head to see which world leader was next to greet, but spotted Anne waiting at a distance instead,” they say.

“The princess, raising both her hands in the air, laughed and remarked ‘it’s just me’, before adding “and this lot”, pointing to the members of the household behind her”.

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