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Brexit talks balls up: We want a second vote, say public

Prime Minister Theresa May - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

The public want a second referendum after the Government botched the first round of Brexit negotiations, according to a new poll.

The Survation poll showed 50% of people now believe there should be another vote on the final deal. Just 34% think no further referendum is needed.

The poll also showed that 41% of people were increasingly fearful about Britain’s prospects outside the European Union.

According to 43% of those quizzed the EU had the upper hand in talks so far. Only 16% thought the UK was in the driving seat.

And it also appears the public is finally seeing through the outlandish claim made by Vote Leave that the NHS would get £350m extra a week. Now 41% of people believe the beleaguered health service will actually be worse off next to 32% who believe it will get more cash.

The poll, for the Mail on Sunday, also found that Labour had stretched its lead over the Tories to seven points.

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