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Brian May: ‘Brexit is the stupidest thing we ever tried to do’

Brian May. Photo: Matt Cardy/Getty Images - Credit: Getty Images

Queen guitarist and astrophysicist Dr Brian May has said that Brexit is the ‘stupid thing we’ve ever tried to do’.

May was promoting his new book about the space race when he was asked about Britain’s plan to launch a rival GPS system to the European Union.

He said: ‘I don’t like all this separatist stuff and you know this sort of illusion that we can all stand on our own, to me the future lies in co-operation.

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‘I get up everyday and put my head in my hands about Brexit – I think it’s the stupidest thing we ever tried to do.

‘You know this is another symptom and yes we can do things on our own but we do things a lot better when we co-operate with other people and great things happen from interactions in my opinion.’

May had previously criticised Theresa May over Brexit, describing the prime minister as ‘driven by vanity and a thirst for power’.

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He told German newspaper Welt am Sonntag: ‘She is, like Cameron before her, driven by vanity and thirst for power. It was wrong from the start to ask the British to vote on Brexit, most of whom had no idea [about the consequences].

‘I’m upset that a few politicians have managed to push us into this ditch. I sincerely hope that we can work it out again.’

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