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The best internet reactions to the Queen’s Speech

Queen Elizabeth II during the State Opening of Parliament in the House of Lords at the Palace of Westminster in London. Photograph: Victoria Jones/PA Wire. - Credit: PA

With the government majority significantly in minus numbers, it was not what the Queen said in her speech that mattered to social media users, but what happened before and after.

In response to the speech Labour MP Jim McMahon tweeted: “Really admire the Queen. Not sure I could have read that without swearing out loud.”

His party branded it “farcical” and a “stunt”.

SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford tweeted: “The Queen’s Speech was an election broadcast for the Tory Party more than anything else. A speech heavy on law & order from a prime minister willing to break the law. @BorisJohnson must sign the letter asking for an EU extension as the Benn act compels him if no deal is agreed.”

TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady said: “This Queen’s Speech was a political stunt, not a serious set of commitments.”

Jo Swinson for the Lib Dems branded it a “charade”.

She said: “There is nothing in this Queen’s speech that will bring comfort to the factory worker set to lose their job, or the families struggling to put food on the table because of his Brexit policy.”

Here are some of the best reactions from Twitter…

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