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Well, that went well – country responds to May’s begging letter

Prime minister Theresa May's letter to the nation asking for everyone to get behind her Brexit plan did not get the response she had hoped for Photo: PA / Dominic Lipinski - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Theresa May’s letter pleading with the country to get behind her Brexit deal was met with a furious response from many.

Prominent physicist Jon Butterworth issued a fiery reply to a tweet of the letter, which was published on social media.

‘I want freedom of movement for me and my children, and it will be a cold day in hell before I unite behind you & the party you lead,’ said the Large Hadron Collider scientist, who is a professor at University College London.

‘I will never forgive those who brought my country down in this shameful manner.’

Welsh Labour MP Stephen Doughty, supporter of the People’s Vote campaign, fired off a quick reply to the PM.

‘Not thanks. Not buying it,’ it said.

‘Let’s have a People’s Vote instead to let the people of this country have a final say, with the option to stay.’

Tory MP Sarah Wollaston, chairwoman of the Commons Health Select Committee, rejected the PM’s assertion that hers is ‘a deal for a brighter future’.

‘Not a brighter future, just dimmer & diminished. There is no valid consent to this Deal without a #PeoplesVote,’ she tweeted.

Scottish Labour MP Ged Killen likened May’s pledge to end free movement of people ‘once and for all’ to comments US president Donald Trump might make.

He tweeted: ‘Feels like something Trump might tweet. Still breaks my heart to think my nieces and nephews won’t grow up with the same freedom I had to live, work and study across the EU’

Shadow education secretary Angela Rayner said Mrs May ‘cannot be trusted’.

She tweeted: ‘You have let us down so badly, you have let Gibraltar and its citizens down too, they looked to you and the Tory party for support but you failed them when they needed us in their hour of need, they have been totally discarded, what a mess.’

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