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Jeremy Corbyn given ‘10 out of 10’ rating by Rebecca Long-Bailey

Rebecca Long Bailey speaks to ITV News about Jeremy Corbyn's leadership. Photograph: ITV News. - Credit: Archant

Labour leadership hopeful Rebecca Long-Bailey has given Jeremy Corbyn a ’10 out of 10′ rating for his time at the head of the party.

Despite dismissing claims she was a “continuity candidate”, and the Labour leader losing two elections, she said Corbyn had the right approach to policy-making.

Asked how she would rate his performance out of 10, the shadow business secretary told ITV News: “I thought Corbyn was one of the most honest, kind, principled politicians I’ve ever met”.

And without hesitation she said: “I’d give him 10 out of 10, because I respect him and I supported him all the way through.

“What we can’t ignore was that Jeremy was savaged from day one by the press… We have a role as party to develop the image of our leader and to put them forward in the most positive way, but we also have a duty to rebut criticism and attacks.

“As a party we needed to have a rebuttal unit, a clear structure in place to rebut the attacks against him.”

Long-Bailey received support from shadow chancellor John McDonnell today when he was asked who he was backing.

“I’m supporting Becky, yeah,” McDonnell said.

“I thought she was superb on the Today programme. I thought she came across as an extremely warm human being and was on top of her game, she was excellent.

“But all of them have been good. I think we’ve got a really good team of candidates.”

– How would you rate Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership? Vote in our poll.

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