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Petition calls for MPs to be recalled to parliament to deal with no-deal Brexit threat

A view of the Houses of Parliament (Palace of Westminster) and Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben) in London. (Photograph by Manuel Romano/NurPhoto via Getty Images) - Credit: NurPhoto via Getty Images

A petition is demanding that MPs to return to parliament immediately to deal with the threat of a no-deal Brexit.

More than 13,000 people have signed the proposal which is calling for politicians to be recalled.

It was created by Marcus David Lynch, who wants MPs to do more to scrutinise Boris Johnson’s Brexit proposals.

The text reads: “Parliament is not due to convene again until early September.

“With the momentum behind HM government’s unscrutinised objective of leaving the EU on 31st October 2019 will make it effectively impossible for MPs to moderate this course of action.”

The petition will receive a response because it has passed the threshold of 10,000 signatures – if it gains 100,000 signatures it will warrant a debate in the House of Commons.

MPs are not due to be given an opportunity to question the prime minister on his Brexit plans until Wednesday 4th September when the next session of Prime Minister’s Questions will take place.

The UK is currently due to leave the European Union on October 31st.

MORE: MPs call for Boris Johnson to recall parliament

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Shadow chancellor John McDonnell said Labour wants to see parliament reconvened “in the next few days” to drive efforts to avoid a no-deal Brexit.

It follows more than 100 MPs signing a letter demanding Johnson recalls parliament.

“There is a need now to bring MPs back together again because we need time now to really have a proper debate and discussion about this matter,” he told Radio 4.

Green MP Caroline Lucas said the risks associated with a no-deal Brexit are more than “bumps in the road” and more like “cavernous sink holes”.

She said: “MPs need to reaffirm the principle of democracy in which the legislature can and must reign in an executive that is, quite frankly, lurching out of control.”

She added: “Unless MPs get back into parliament and hold this prime minister to account, we are going to go into those sink holes and it’s going to spell a disaster for this country.”

– The petition can be signed on the government’s petition website here.

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