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New comedy sketch starring Richard Wilson promotes a People’s Vote

Richard Wilson stars in new comedy sketch promoting a People's Vote. Video: Grace Campbell. - Credit: Archant

We don’t believe it! Richard Wilson has returned to our screens in a new comedy sketch that lends support for a People’s Vote.

In the clip Wilson – famed for his grumpy old man routine – plays a customer enticed to a restaurant by an advert for a ‘Brexit special.’

In the perfect metaphor for how the UK leaving the EU is panning out things soon start to go wrong with the chefs behind the special arguing about the detail, walking out, and leaving both the waitress and customer upset and disappointed.

By the end of the sketch One Foot in a Grave star Wilson gives out an exasperated ‘I don’t believe it!’ as he’s informed that there will no be no meal, that there is no alternative, and he has to pay for it.

The three minute comedy clip – which debuted on ITV’s Good Morning Britain – was the brainwave of young writer, comedian and anti-Brexit activist Grace Campbell.

It is one of the first appearances from Richard Wilson since he suffered from a heart attack and a fall two years ago.

Despite being told to take things easier the comedian was keen to promote the People’s Vote cause.

He explained: ‘I totally support the cause. I was very distressed by the referendum and I just think the whole thing is now a total mess.

‘I really liked the sketch and I had great fun making the film with Grace. As we were filming, Mrs May was doing her statement after the Salzburg meeting where it all seemed to be falling apart. I hope we get a vote on the deal, because I really fear for where it is heading now.’

Commenting on why she feels so passionately about a People’s Vote, Grace Campbell explained: ‘So many young people in particular feel that Brexit is going from bad to worse, and I just feel we all have to do what we can to campaign for the People’s Vote, and with the option to stay in the EU.

She added: ‘I hope people see this and think ‘yes … you can send back a bad meal in a restaurant, so why can’t you send back a bad deal in a negotiation?”

MORE – Farage tells Campbell: I could deliver the government a ‘simple’ trade deal

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