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This video mocking Matt Hancock is causing hilarity

Russell Howard is the latest in a growing list of people to mock Matt Hancock's general election campaign video tweets. Picture: Matt Hancock/Russell Howard - Credit: Matt Hancock/Russell Howard

A video of a comedian mocking Tory health minister Matt Hancock during the general election has resurfaced, raising a smile during the coronavirus pandemic.

Russell Howard took a clip of Hancock talking about the Conservative Party’s election manifesto and his pledges for the NHS and mocked it up to look like he was following the comedian at a bus stop.

Playing up Hancock’s slightly looming straight-to-camera approach, he plays the part of a person on the receiving end of his monologue.

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‘I’ve just arrived at the station on my way to the manifesto launch, I’m really excited about this manifesto,’ says Hancock, staring intently into the lens.

The camera cuts to Howard, under the same public transport shelter, who removes his earbuds in suprise.

‘F**k off,’ shouts a terrified Howard as Hancock proceeds towards him, describing how the manifesto is ‘such a positive, vibrant, cuture vision for Britain’.

‘Get out of my face, you creepy f**king man-baby,’ says an increasingly terrified Howard.

As Hancock continues, the comedian yells ‘stop talking to me!’ as he runs away.

The clip – which first appeared on television at the end of last year – has viewed shared thousands of times again as the health minister heads up the government’s response to the coronavirus.

‘I’d not seen this his before, said Rachel Bell sharing the video. ‘Made me proper giggle.’

‘Still as relevant today as it was then,’ wrote another.

‘Can someone check this guys basement and patio,’ joked Daniel Garrity.

‘Why won’t he blink?!?’ asked Tom Cracknell.

‘I’d never seen this before but oh my, genius,’ tweeted another viewer.

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