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Comedian rips apart Matt Hancock’s interview answer on diversity in Boris Johnson’s cabinet

Matt Hancock's interview answer is torn apart by Sean Spicer. Photograph: Twitter. - Credit: Archant

Matt Hancock’s rambling answer on the diversity in Boris Johnson’s cabinet in a television interview has been ripped apart by comedian Michael Spicer.

Hancock’s appearance on Sky News’ Sophy Ridge on Sunday, where he struggled to show the government understands the needs of BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) people, has become the feature of Spicer’s latest video in his series ‘The Room Next Door’.

In it politicians are ridiculed by Spicer, who pretends to be an official watching interviews and press conferences whilst giving advice to them using an earpiece.

In the newest Spicer is seen munching on an apple as he shows little interest in the health secretary’s answers to Sophy Ridge, as he appears to be gliding through an interview on the Black Lives Matter protests.

‘Really good, nearly over,’ Spicer pretends to tell Hancock.

But then the politician gets stuck on a final question about diversity in the cabinet.

Asking a straightforward question, Ridge says: ‘We’ve been talking about the importance of doing more, how many black people are in cabinet?’

Spicer drops his apple as he picks up a book detailing who is in the Tory cabinet. ‘Pretend you didn’t hear that!’ he tells the politician.

‘I’m so sorry I didn’t catch that question, Sophy,’ replies Hancock.

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As she repeats the question Hancock starts to stutter: ‘Well, erm, the, well…’

‘Good start!’ sarcastically jokes Spicer.

‘We’ve a whole series of people from a black and minority ethnic background… the two cabinets I’ve sat in… listens to a diversity of views and it’s diversity of thought that is the really important thing’, explains Hancock as he points to his head.

‘What? What does that mean?’ asks the comedian. ‘How can you be meaningless and offensive at the same time?’

As Hancock rambles on, an agitated Spicer asks: ‘Is this a list of posts or is it a Dulux white colour chart? I just don’t know!’

‘I’m more likely to find Jim Davidson in here,’ he adds.

Still struggling to answer, the penny finally drops. ‘I’ve got it, Kwasi Kwarteng!’ says the comedian.

Instantly in the video Hancock can be heard saying ‘Kwasi Kwarteng was sitting around the cabinet table with me.’

‘Yes that’s fine,’ says an increasingly depressed sounding Spicer. ‘He’s a junior minister but that’s fine, it’s enough, that’s one, it’s enough, it’s enough.

‘I’m going to take a break now because I’m going to be sick, I’ll be right back,’ he can be heard saying in the conclusion of the video.

Twitter users reacted with praise for the latest analysis of Hancock’s performance.

‘We don’t deserve Michael Spicer!’ commented Elliot Gonzalez.

‘It’s painful laughing when I want to cry!’ tweeted Ray Kohn.

”How can you be meaningless and offensive at the same time?’ sums up our government perfectly’ wrote Dr Ashley Morgan.

‘Brilliant job conveying our continual shock at the stupidity and ignorance of the cabinet,’ said another.

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