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Sir John: Revoke Article 50 to avoid long-lasting damage to UK

Former prime ministers Sir John Major (left) and Tony Blair walk across the Peace Bridge in Londonderry - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

Former prime minister Sir John Major has said revoking Article 50 – the process which would stop Brexit – is the ‘only sensible course’ for the UK.

Sir John, who led the country between 1990 and 1997, wrote in the Sunday Times that he backs a People’s Vote and added that for the government to allow a no-deal Brexit would be ‘morally reprehensible’.

Writing that the divisions between people on both sides of the referendum debate have become ‘bitter and entrenched’, Sir John added: ‘The cost of a no-deal Brexit to our national wellbeing would be heavy and long-lasting.

‘The benefits are close to zero. Every single household – rich or poor – would be worse off for many years to come.

‘Jumping off a cliff has never had a happy ending.’

He added that a ‘new process’ of national consultation was needed, adding: ‘No true democracy should deny a considered choice to its people.’

Meanwhile, London mayor Sadiq Khan has written in the Observer suggesting that May should step down and call a general election if she loses next week’s vote.

He wrote: ‘It’s clear that if our government and parliament are incapable of finding a way out of this mess, it should be taken out of the hands of the politicians and returned to the British people to take back control.’

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