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Six excellent reasons to go out and buy The New European this week

Another week, another great issue packed with news, Brexit analysis and brilliant features on art, culture, travel and food.

The New European is on sale in all good newsagents in the UK and Republic of Ireland. Use our store locator tool to find your nearest copy.

You can also read The New European on your phone or iPad by downloading the digital edition here.

Here’s what to expect this week:

1. Jane Merrick and Michael White on how politics is letting the public down

2. Zoe Williams asks if we should laugh along with the gammon people

3. Rachel Johnson tackles the tide of plastic

4. Bonnie Greer on why the Royals are the last great silent movie stars

5. James Ball on how Trump’s Iran deal withdrawal has exposed the EU

6. Plus Ian Walker decodes Delacroix’s epic Louvre exhibition

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