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Speaker John Bercow honoured in Belgian dance single ‘ORDER’

Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow walks over Westminster Bridge from a session in the gym this morning on his last day as speaker. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire. - Credit: PA

His thunderous cries of ‘ORDERRRRR’ have been a feature of debate over Brexit for three years. Now John Bercow has had his catchphrase sampled in a Belgian dance music song.

His thunderous cries of “ORDERRRRR” have been a feature of debate over Brexit for three years. Now John Bercow has had his catchphrase sampled in a Belgian dance music song.

Bercow has stepped down from his position as speaker of the house today, but has been immortalised in this tribute to his interventions which “have had more worldwide media impact than any speech of the [last] three involved prime ministers”, according to the track’s producer.

The Antwerp-born musician Michael Schack, who has worked as a drummer with several well-known Belgian groups, said his track ORDER “is a tribute to the most well known quote of the ongoing three-year Brexit saga”.

In the video featuring a puppet theatre of an unruly parliament, a Muppet-style John Bercow attempts to bring order with bellows of his many famous catchphrases, such as ‘unlock’ and ‘division’.


READ MORE: Calls for John Bercow to be given place in House of Lords

Meanwhile puppets representing the prime minister and Jeremy Corbyn fight and dance in time with a repeating house beat underneath strobe lights.

In the last week the track has been played on Youtube over 10,000 times, and it is already climbing up the charts and playlists on Spotify and Apple Music.

It goes to show just what impact Bercow has had in the UK and across the EU as a global media sensation.

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