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‘Brexit is headed for the exit’ – US TV audience cheers People’s Vote marchers

Aerial footage of a People's Vote March on Stephen Colbert's CBS show. Photograph: CBS. - Credit: Archant

An audience of an American television show have cheered the United Kingdom’s revolt against Brexit.

Stephen Colbert was bringing his CBS audience up-to-speed with the latest on the UK’s departure from the EU as he referred to the momentous week in the attempts to stop Brexit.

Starting the segment, the American host asked: ‘Have you been following Brexit as much as I don’t? It has been a brutal process for the British prime minister.’

And in a boost for the Revoke Article 50 petition, which the government is trying to ignore at present, he mentioned the magnitude of support for it.

To cheers, he said: ‘And now the whole thing could get overturned because a petition to scrap Brexit altogether has gone over a record-breaking five million signatures.’

He then turned his attention to the march for a People’s Vote, showing aerial footage of the protesters in central London.

‘And on Saturday over a million people protested to reverse the Brexit vote.’

MORE: Power to the people – the best placards from the People’s Vote march

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As the audience whooped and cheered, Colbert took off his glasses and looked down the camera, declaring that ‘it looks like Brexit is headed for the exit.’

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