National treasure Stephen Fry has hit out at Brexiteers like Iain Duncan-Smith and Nigel Farage, and criticised Theresa May’s twisting of facts to suit her politics.
The comments were made in a newly-released three minute video from the comedian, actor and writer.
Fry uses the video to takes debunk those politicians that have falsely tried to use polling to help their arguments.
Fry factchecks claims from the Brexiteers that ‘WTO exit is by far the most popular option’ and that ‘the majority are happy to go out without a withdrawal agreement’.
Mocking Iain Duncan-Smith, the actor jokes that ‘they may as well have said the majority are happy to go out without a wonderful allurement.’
In the video, Fry points out that rather than supporting the pro-Brexit argument, they support the Remain cause and the push for a People’s Vote.
He then quotes former Brexit secretary David Davis, who said: ‘If a democracy can’t change its mind, it ceases to be a democracy.’
Fry goes on to pull apart Theresa May’s claims about the ‘will of the people’ and her recent speech that claims she was ‘on your side’.
He points out that a majority of Leavers reject her Brexit deal, and said that the prime minister has ‘mastered the art of lying with a grain of truth’.
The video has been produced as part of a series on politics by Pindex – which was launched as a ‘Pinterest for education’.