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‘Mine’s bigger than yours’ – Steve Bray hits back at Piers Morgan after TV exchange

Piers Morgan turns his attention to 'stop Brexit guy' Steve Bray on Good Morning Britain. Photograph: ITV - Credit: Archant

Piers Morgan was evidently left unhappy with the big turnout for the People’s Vote march at the weekend as he took his frustration out on the stop Brexit guy on live breakfast television.

Morgan, who was presenting Good Morning Britain at the time, picked up a megaphone to respond to anti-Brexit campaigner Steve Bray’s calls and proceeded to shout back at him during the live feed.

Bray has been stood behind the programme’s political correspondent Ranvir Singh for months, as with other live television interviews, calling for Brexit to be stopped.

Morgan proceeded to try to steal the limelight back.

‘Alright Steve. Shut up about Brexit. Shut up about it. Nobody wants to hear from you. Be quiet about Brexit.

‘You’re not going to stop it. It’s the will of the people. Shut up. That’s it. Alright Steve? See, you you don’t like it when we’re do it. Ruining your morning.’

Bray (perhaps, fortunately) could not hear the presenter launch into another tirade about Brexit but could see that the camera was pointing directly at the campaigner.

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‘Yes, you!’ shouted Morgan. ‘Ruining every single one of our news broadcasts.

‘Mine’s bigger than yours. I have a bigger megaphone than yours Steve. Right now you are being out-megaphoned,’ the presenter said to laughter from co-presenters Charlotte Hawkins and Susanna Reid.

Reid was quick to point out that he is wrong and that Bray’s megaphone is actually biggest, something Bray pointed out when he replied to the presenter on Twitter.

Morgan could not help but smile when the oblivious campaigner shouted back: ‘Revoke Article 50!’

MORE: Say Bollocks to Brexit with this FREE mug with every £13 subscription

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