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BBC under fire for snubbing Lib Dems after election gains

The Andrew Marr Show. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

The BBC has been accused of snubbing the Liberal Democrats after their stunning wins at the local elections, which saw the party gaining more than 700 seats.

It was a terrible set of election results for the Conservatives, who lost more than 1,300 councillors, while Labour laso lost 82 seats in the local results.

Only the anti-Brexit parties – the Lib Dems and Greens – plus independents main gains.

But the BBC has been accused of snubbing the party after it announced its line-up for its main flagship Sunday morning political programme, The Andrew Marr Show.

It has announced that on this week’s programme will be Labour’s John McDonnell, Ruth Davidson for the Conservatives, Sian Berry from the Greens, and Adam Price from Plaid Cymru.

It also features a star from Line of Duty, but seemingly has no time for a Lib Dem voice.

The tweet attracted widespread attention from Lib Dem campaigners, including peer Lynne Featherstone.

She tweeted: ‘BBC News and Marr on Sunday should be ashamed for not inviting LibDems on. Over 700 seats gained – a stunning result. BBC no longer honest.’

Liz Anderson responded: ‘Why no Lib Dem guest after Thursday’s spectacular local election results for them?’

Gareth Roberts wrote: ‘Surely you should find room for a Lib Dem given Thursday’s spectacular performance?’

Ross Forgan said: ‘I’m no fan of the BBC Bias trope, but couldn’t you have got one Lib Dem on? It’s only been their best ever local election performance.’

John Neale, the editor of Marr programme, said: ‘For those asking about the Lib Dems: They’ve been on twice in recent weeks including last Sunday’s interview with deputy leader Jo Swinson. During the election period we’re making even more sure than usual that the audience gets to hear a wide range of parties and views.’

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