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The Brexit Party is spending thousands promoting the Lib Dems in Peterborough

The Brexit Party's Facebook promotion of the Lib Dems. Photograph: Facebook. - Credit: Archant

The Brexit Party is capitalising on Labour’s ambiguity on their Brexit position by urging Remainers to vote for the Lib Dems in the Peterborough by-election.

The Brexit Party’s Facebook promotion of the Lib Dems. Photograph: Facebook. – Credit: Archant

In paid Facebook advertising it claims that “only two parties are being honest about their policies in Peterborough.”

The advert continues: “Vote for democracy with The Brexit Party or vote to remain the EU [sic] with the Lib Dems this Thursday.”

It then includes a split image of a yellow-tinted photograph of Vince Cable and a blue-tinted photograph of Nigel Farage.

The advert has been focused on the 18-44 year old age bracket, more likely to vote Remain, as opposed to their usual demographic of 65+ for Brexiteers.

The new advertising campaign started on Sunday, and is expected to spend between £1,000 and £5,000, giving it between 10,000 and 50,000 impressions.

Some on social media speculate it is a further attempt to split the Labour vote.

IsaacReidGuest on Twitter wrote: “There is an underlying group of people who will always vote Labour. If the Remain group is pushed towards Lib Dems, then the opposition to Brexit Party is divided. If Labour has a strong policy, it stands to win the vast majority of Remain vote.”

James Austin said: “Trying to drive down the Labour vote and move it too the Lib Dems. Good strategy – they know Labour are their only threat in the seat so are trying to drive it’s vote to other parties. Less squeeze, more trying to open the choice up.”

Others have criticised the claim that the Brexit Party is “being honest about their policies.”

IreneS said: “I asked several Brexit Party supporters what was their political manifesto for Peterborough. Still waiting and don’t expect any answers any time soon.”

Maxine Spencer: “The Brexit Party are hoping to do well in Peterborough but why would anyone vote for a party that only has Brexit on their manifesto? As a local MP from the Brexit Party, that person will have no obligation to deal with anything else as you are voting Brexit only – madness!”

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