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‘The Great British Break Off’ – American TV shows mock Brexit

The Great British Break Off - The Daily Show mocks Brexit. Photograph: Comedy Central. - Credit: Archant

American comedians have used late-night television shows to mock the Brexit chaos in the UK.

The Daily Show branded the UK’s departure from the EU ‘The Great British Break Off’ as they tried to fill viewers in on what was happening in British politics.

Host Trevor Noah opened the feature by explaining: ‘If you’re thinking to yourself, America is in chaos right now, I’m here to tell you it’s nothing compared to what’s happening in the UK.’

Noah said that Theresa May was ‘damned if you do, damned if you don’t’ with her Brexit position.

‘If Britain leaves the European Union without a deal the consequences could be disastrous. The economy could be destroyed, the country could suffer medicine shortages, and supermarkets could run out of food.

‘At this point Britain’s only hope is that somehow Theresa May can get two rabidly opposed sides of her country to come together around a coherent Brexit plan. But based upon how British people are disagreeing with each other on the streets, I don’t know how that is going to happen.’

The programme then moves on to a clip of two Welshmen disputing the use of figures of speech on BBC News.

He joked that the threat of no-deal Brexit putting at risk food supplies meant that ‘Africa’s watching all of this going ‘who’s laughing now?”

MORE: German comedy sketch mocks Brexiteers as it compares Brexit to an escape roomOn The Late Show on CBS the host Stephen Colbert imagined the reincarnation of Mary Poppins fighting to try and save the UK from a post-Brexit apocalypse.’It’s every nanny for herself,’ the take on Poppins declares before turning her magic umbrella into artillery. ‘Now let’s go fly a kite… in hell!’Over on NBC, Late Night with Seth Meyers mocked an advert in the US by using it to explain Brexit to Americans.’So did the UK leave the EU or not?’, asks one lady around the table as another gives a comprehensive answer.’Well, the majority of citizens voted to leave, so yes! But then they spent two years debating how to leave, so no. But then Theresa May made a new law saying they have to leave, so yes! But then parliament rejected her deal – so who knows!”So are they leaving?’ a frustrated American continues to ask. ‘They’re trying!’ her friend responds.

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