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US news show perfectly explained the charade of how Boris Johnson came to power

The Last Words Lawrence ODonnell. Photograph: MSNBC. - Credit: Archant

An American news show has perfectly explained the ridiculousness of how Britain got its new prime minister.

The Last Word’s Lawrence O’Donnell said “if you think the electoral college is crazy, the United Kingdom has just outdone it.”

He the told viewers on the day that Britain gained a new prime minister: “Boris Johnson just became the new British prime minister without even having an election. He was chosen by a private vote of members of the Conservative party to replace Conservative party prime minister Theresa May, who quit because of the impossibilities of implementing Britain’s exit from the European Union, commonly referred to as Brexit.”

He continued to explain just how few people put Boris Johnson in power – and that even children will have been able to vote within the Tory Party for their new leader.

He said: “Just over one tenth of 1% of the British population actually voted in the Conservative party choice of a new prime minister.

“The voters included children because there are no real laws about this kind of private voting within a party.

“And the voters were obviously dominated by people who, like Boris Johnson, do not distinguish between fact and fiction.”

He goes on to quote a New York Times column in which it is claimed that Boris Johnson will be “how Britain ends” before claiming that Russian collusion was responsible for the Brexit vote.

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He said: “No British prime minister has ever been unpopular on his first day in office than Boris Johnson. Like Donald Trump, Boris Johnson made it to the top of British politics with the help of Vladimir Putin and Russians, who attacked the British voting system and helped to deliver an electoral victory for Brexit in a refeferendum three years ago. 51.9% voting in favour of Brexit – with Russian support – with 48.1% voting against Brexit.

And he warned that Boris Johnson was taking the country towards “chaos” which had not been seen in decades.

“Like his predesccor Boris Johnson is promising to do the impossible and negiotiate a new exit deal with the European Union, but unlike his predesccoer, he is also promising to do the impossible when he fails to negiotiate a new exit deal with the European Union.

“He will simply lead the United Kingdom out of the European Union without any exit deal at all, which would be institaninly bring a level of chaos to Britain not seen since World War II.”

Labour MEP Richard Corbett tweeted a clip of the video asking: “Why do we have to turn to American television, of all places, to get a clear account of Britain’s predicament with Johnson and Brexit and #RussianCollusion?

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