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Hear how The New European was launched four years ago

Matt Kelly is the founder of The New European. Photograph: Archant. - Credit: Archant

The New European is celebrating its fourth birthday, and we’re giving you a chance to get an insight into how it launched.

We will be hosting a live edition of the podcast to celebrate the fourth anniversary since the pro-European newspaper launched.

As well as our regular hosts Steve Anglesey and Richard Porritt, we’ll be joined by the newspaper’s founder Matt Kelly, and columnists Alastair Campbell and Liz Gerard.

All five will be talking about the rise of the pro-European newspaper, as well as the direction of politics over the past four years since our launch.

And we want you to join us too – where you can ask us questions – as we go live on Zoom.

We’ll be broadcasting on the internet from 6.00pm (British Summer Time) on Thursday July 9.

To confirm your attendance head over to this link, and we will see you there on the night.

Don’t forget to bring a glass of your favourite tipple to celebrate with us!

• Sign up here

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